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Dental Appointments for Children & Teens

Welcome to Okanagan Dentistry, where we prioritize the dental health of your children and teens. We understand the importance of early intervention and comprehensive care during their formative years. Our dedicated team, led by Dr. Wiens, Dr. Bose-Roberts, and Dr. Burlacu, is committed to providing a positive and comfortable dental experience for your child, ensuring they are set for a lifetime of optimal oral health.

Children's Dental Visits:

We believe that a child's first dental visit should be a fun and educational experience. We recommend scheduling their initial visit at 2-3 years old, unless there are specific concerns regarding their dental health. At Okanagan Dentistry, we offer a complimentary "First Dental Visit" for children aged 3 and under. During this visit, our team will review your child's oral health and medical history, conduct a thorough examination of their teeth, and most importantly, create a positive association with our dental office.

For older children, we allocate between 30 minutes to 1 hour for their dental appointments. During these visits, our certified dental assistants (CDAs) or dental hygienists will take necessary X-rays (if possible), perform a comprehensive dental examination, and provide a professional cleaning. We also take the time to educate your child about appropriate brushing and flossing techniques, empowering them to take charge of their oral hygiene.

Teen Dental Care:

The teenage years bring about significant changes in oral health. New teeth are erupting or have just emerged, and the alignment of teeth is in a constant state of flux. This period is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health, especially if your teen is undergoing orthodontic treatment. Regular dental care during this phase is key to preventing long-term oral health issues.

At Okanagan Dentistry, we recognize the importance of reinforcing oral hygiene techniques and closely monitoring tooth position and potential growth-related concerns, including the monitoring of wisdom teeth impaction. Our experienced dentists, along with our compassionate team, will work closely with your teen to address their unique dental needs, ensuring their oral health is on the right track.

Book an Appointment Today!

Don't wait to provide your child or teen with the dental care they deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wiens, Dr. Bose-Roberts, or Dr. Reimer. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have and to ensure that your child receives the highest standard of dental care in a warm and welcoming environment.

Call 250-762-3563 to book an appointment and invest in your child's future oral health. Together, let's lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles!